I've always loved Wayne Dyer's teachings and writing. I had the joy of seeing him in person on two separate occasions, each time when he was giving brief talks while promoting his latest book. (The man's very prolific. He puts out about a book a year.) I remember going to see him on a busy weeknight in northern New Jersey. There were over 1000 people there to attend this heavily-advertised appearance, and you could tell that, although audience members were eager to hear someone talk about positive thinking, spirituality, and healing, that they were feeling pretty grumpy and unruly when they assembled in the room.
There were a lot of men there, I remember, and I wondered how many of them had been dragged there by girlfriends or wives. I don't say that to belittle you guys, who are often more tuned in than we women are! But you know how it is. It's not seen as particularly "macho" to attend a self-help seminar where you have to get in touch with emotional issues, and men aren't encouraged to feel comfortable expressing that part of their nature. So very often when a soft and sweet therapist guy like Wayne Dyer gives a presentation, the women in the crowd are going, "Yes, yes!" and the men are sitting there with their stony faces, giving off the old attitude of "I don't believe a word of it; you'll have to prove it."
There was a huge amount of bristling testosterone in this particular crowd, and I remember thinking, "How is he going to shift the energy in this room? The vibe feels really rebellious and angry, and a lot of people here are very unhappy." You could just sense this hostile energy there in the space.
Well, Wayne came out and softly started his presentation, speaking in his usual serene way, breaking things up occasionally to make jokes or tell funny anecdotes. I remember thinking that his intention was so clear. He was 100% certain that this was going to be a great event and that people were going to really feel good coming out of the session. It didn't matter if they came in grumpy or emotionaly battered and bruised. His intention was so crystal clear that this was going to be an inspiring and uplifting evening that he didn't even give any power to people's grumpy moods. He didn't give their negative attitudes any energy.
In northern New Jersey there can be some horrendous traffic that people travel through, and they commute through this psychic soup every day. Meanwhile, most people on the road are doing a lot of negative emoting - expressing hatred towards their fellow travellers, making dangerous moves back and forth in the lanes. This event with Wayne Dyer was held near a highly congested traffic area, and you could really feel the effects of that commute on the audience members. They came in to the seminar all icky and pouty and hostile. It made me wonder, "Why do we do this to ourselves each day?" (Well, I count myself out of that experience and have been fortunate enough to do so most of my adult life, being self-employed and working largely from home.) But I just wondered how people could subject themselves to that experience day after day.
Anyway, Wayne Dyer went on to give a powerful presentation, and within twenty minutes of him starting to speak, everyone was all smiling and mellow. You could just look around and see the energy shift that Dyer had affected. At the first break, I saw how people seemed like entirely different beings than the cranky 1000 folks I'd witnessed entering the room earlier. Their auric fields were clean and balanced and receptive now.
That's the power of a person with crystal clear intent overcoming the lower emotions of a crowd. I always think that that's how Jesus did his thing. He maintained a frequency of such clarity and integrity that, in His presence, all else fell away. Unruly energies took a hike.
Dyer's material is very powerful, and I encourage you to pick up any of the books that he's written in the last ten years. They each get into concepts of personal power, spiritual growth, and conscious self-direction of energy. And he writes in a very human and relatable tone, so you don't feel that he's a guru or anything. He's a very humble and self-effacing person who nevertheless wields an incredible vibration of personal power. You can really feel just, well, better, when you listen to one of his tapes, read his books, or watch his videos.
My friend got him to sign a copy of one of his books for her, and she found herself just giving him this huge, soulful hug, because his material had already helped her so much in her life. He just embraced her back with his own warm and sincere energy. (I was standing off to the side, typical Virgo, analyzing the energy exchange.)
The other night our PBS station was broadcasting a lecture he had given based on material from his most recent book, The Power of Intention. I only had the opportunity to listen to some of it, but I liked everything I heard. It gave me powerful fuel for thought.
He talked about how people hear the title of his book and think that the "Power of Intention" must be about how to be more willful and forceful with your intentions so that you can bring them to materialization. But that's not what his material is about at all. Instead, he sets up the idea that the "Power of Intention" is about aligning yourself with what a Divine Power has intended for you in this world, that you are a not an accident but a miraculous creation, and that your life has a unique flow to it that is perfect and whole. When it doesn't feel perfect and whole, it's because you aren't in alignment with this divine flow of intention for your life. And if you can truly learn how to get online with that infinite power of creation, you'll never feel lack, either emotionally or physically, and the universe will bring you everything you need.
The challenge is to get ourselves back online with this energy when we have fallen away from it. His material gives readers lots of great ideas and tools for realigning with the power of God's intention for their life. It involves opening the heart and moving beyond the ego, of course, but it also involves setting your own intention to be aligned with God's intention. Some might call it God's will, but Dyer doesn't see it as "will." More that there is a divine blueprint of your ideal self that God continually holds out to you, and that this is the key to becoming your best, happiest, and most abundant self.
I'm not expressing it half as well as Dyer does. So if this material interests you, check out his new book or his videos or CD's. I think you'll feel yourself catapulted into a new level of understanding, and you'll start to get in touch with the miraculous possibilities of the real, self-actualized, you.