Dale writes on another website about his spiritual awakening experience. His journey involved out of body travel or what is commonly called astral projection. I think his narrative is one you'll enjoy, because it sums up what so many people are going through when they feel that spark of sudden connection with God/Goddess/Great Spirit/A Higher Power. After that moment, everything changes, and quite often people develop psychic abilities which they must integrate into their daily life.
One neat thing that Dale talks about is how he is very aware of helping trapped spirits in the astral planes who don't realize that they're dead, kind of like the kid in the movie Sixth Sense did. Only Dale is aware of doing this more while he's sleeping.
I do this, too, have been for years. There's a whole series of books in me about THAT. Sigh. Got to get these books out!
You see, most people have no preparation for the death experience. It's really horrible how this is one thing that EVERYONE, regardless of race, religion, income level, or cultural background is DEFINITELY going to go through...and none of our teachers prepare us for it.
A huge amount of spirits who pass on....I mean a HUGE amount....do not make a clean passage. They end up in a kind of netherworld, neither here nor there, not realizing that they are dead, yet unable to interact with the physical world in the way that they were accustomed to.
People with a natural understanding for the various astral layers often end up helping these people during their sleep. They also help them during their waking time. I do both.
One thing you can do, anybody can do, to help discarnates is to clear an area through a simple prayer:
"Dear God/Goddess/Great Spirit, please clear out all discarnates from.....(this hospital; this school; this city block; this town; a five mile radius, etc.) and take them off to the Light. Re-connect them with their spiritual guides and angels and with the loving power of creation."
Then you visiualize all of the discarnate spirits journeying upward to a higher dimension of loving experience. Heaven, if you prefer to call it that. You might also envision a healing color, like gold, pink, or violet, bathing the area and magnetizing all of the discarnates, taking them to their spiritual home.
Just believing in God or Jesus or Mohammed will not ensure that your spirit rejoins that energy at death. You have to develop the ability to understand your own spiritual energy and the mechanisms of the human soul.
It's a vast problem, and it's growing worse as the electromagnetic fields of the Earth deteriorate. Part of this is due to energy pollution - all of the mucking about we've done that has interfered with the Earth's natural magnetic field. More spirits are getting diverted, "lost," or misdirected after they die. Sensitives can often "see" or sense them in huge clumps, like a lumpy grey mass, hanging over certain locations. Not a good thing.
More power prayer is needed on behalf of the many, many innocents who haven't a clue that the spiritual realities exist....much less that they need to have some control over their own personal energy in order to make a peaceful passing.
Always, the prayers of other people make a big difference, so if there is any loved one in your own family you want to pray for, it's never to late to pray that they be reconnected with their own level of Higher Power/God energy. That they be linked in to their angels and spiritual guides again, who can always lead them to a safe and appropriate place.
Such vast issues. Sigh. Sometimes, I wonder if anybody's out there, if anybody cares, and if anybody is listening? These are vital issues, folks. People like me who can perceive on multiple levels of reality are TELLING you that the single most important thing for you to be doing right now is to get to know your soul. Not in a religious way. In a hands-on, spiritual way, seeking direct experiences that will teach you what you need to know.
The best thing to do is to surround yourself with the writings, teachings, recordings, etc. of people who have already mapped out the territory. We can help you.
Reading Dale's story and his interview at this link will also help you: