Monday, January 31, 2005

Want Some Good News? Check out contains uplifting stories about people shifting their consciousness, making a difference, and doing, er, good things. They have a weekly e-newsletter you can subscribe to with uplifting news headlines about people doing things to improve their lives and the lives of others. It's not a spirituality site per se, but it is inspiring.

Haven't you had it with sites which constantly blast you with bad news? Before you know it, you're curled up in a fetal position, sucking your thumb. I think sites like this one deserve our interest and support. If you know of a site that has a similarly positive tone, email me about it. I'd love to mention it here.

Happy reading!

My email:

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Mindless Entertainment #3: Fairyscope - Ask the Flower Fairies a Question

Here's a pretty little page which allows you to type in your birth info and get a free "fairyscope" from the flower fairies for the day.

Friday, January 28, 2005

5 Immediate Steps to Healing Yourself - by Ribley Chiropractic of Tampa Florida

Here are five simple things that you can be doing right now to improve your health and quality of life. Sometimes it's good to be reminded of the basics! Thanks to Ribley Chiropractic of Tampa, Florida, who posted this simple article on their website. Check it out!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Sure! I'll Be a Millionaire! By Catherine Kasper

Catherine Kasper is a gifted intuitive and healer whose has published a new book, Angelic Abundance Treasure Maps: Discover the Wealth Within You. She lives in Wisconsin where she does angel readings and workshops. I'll be posting an interview with her shortly at my site, but in the meantime, I encourage you to check out her website, where she has some lovely articles about communicating and working with the angels.

This is one article in her series, called Sure! I'll Be a Millionaire. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Upcoming Interview with a Shaman and Michael Harner

I'm very excited this morning because I'm heading out to interview a gifted healer associate of mine, a man by the name of Bert Rinkel. He has a healing practice in New Hope, Pennsylvania, where he does Shiatsu massage, acupuncture, and shamanic energy work. He was trained by Michael Harner, anthropologist and founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Harner sort of single-handedly brought traditional native shamanism into the Western culture, reclaiming those maps of the psychic world and setting up a training system so non-indigenous peoples could start making broader use of these incredible healing techniques.

I'll be posting the interview with Bert at my website in the months to come, most likely in several parts.

Look for it later this winter!

Meanwhile, you might enjoy checking out Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies site. There are some interesting articles posted there which will show you more about his approach to shamanic understanding.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Wish Repair - Article by Cynthia Sue Larson

Ever wondered why you aren't a millionaire yet, if you've been diligently working on manifesting abundance in your life? This short essay by Aura Advantage author Cynthia Larson will give you some good points to ponder. Also, check out the other wonderful articles on her website,

Wish Repair Article:

Monday, January 24, 2005

Simple Telepathy Tips

Here are some really simple tips on how to access your own natural telepathic abilities. We're picking up on the thoughts, emotions, and energies of others all the time, only we haven't quite mastered how to make this process more conscious. This article is a great starting point for understanding this under-utilized talent.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Mindless Entertainment #2 - I've Got My Tinfoil Hat On

This is a very silly Flash animation about two lady cats? squirrel creatures? who sing a song about how their tinfoil hats protect them from mind controlling rays. If you've ever worried about mind control vibes leaking into your home, influencing your brain, you'll get a chuckle out of this one. Plus, the song by UK group Doghorse is very catching! I think it's going to be my new theme song.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Being Lazy is Good for You - Researchers Find

Aha! At long last, proof of what we lazy types have suspected for a long time....that excessively exercising is stressful to the body and that a more relaxed, laughter-oriented lifestyle may well be better for our long-term health.

Every time I go to the gym - which is once in a while - those excessively thin women who overexercise give off such a toxic vibe, I can barely be in the same room with them! If you're just going to replace more "yang" energy (physically dynamic, "masculine," aggressive energy) with more "yang" activity (excessive exercise), then there is a severe lack of "yin" energy in your life (passive, reflective, female energy.) We need a balance of both of these energies to stay well.

Here is more information about a new book which talks about how "laziness" (i.e., embracing life in a more relaxed "being" way vs. a constant "doing" way) is good for you:

Monday, January 17, 2005


I've long believed that we are all connected by a "cosmic Internet," a shared energy field. Russian researchers have made some exciting discoveries which would appear to verify this. They've been doing some amazing work exploring how communication can happen directly through our DNA.

Take a look at this summarization of their research:

Life as a Hologram - How We Interconnect Despite Distance

This material was written by the late author and researcher Michael Talbot, whose book, The Holographic Universe, you should order RIGHT NOW. I'm not kidding. I found this book years ago, and it was ahead of its time. We are only just now beginning to wrap our minds around many of the concepts he so beautifully illustrates.

His book is sort of a quantum physics guide for the layperson, but it's more than that - he specifically sets out to describe scientific evidence for mystical forms of communication and mystical states of consciousness. And he pulls together, in one place, research that most of us have never heard of - or, if we did, we didn't entirely understand it.

Now, the holographic approach to consciousness is bursting forth on the planet, and healers are starting to work from this level. But Talbot's groundbreaking book started many of us on the path to understanding the nature of holographic reality. Here's an excerpt from one of his chapters, and you can read the rest of it online:

Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm?

In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face of science.

Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light. Since traveling faster than the speed of light is tantamount to breaking the time barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Aspect's findings. But it has inspired others to offer even more radical explanations. (end excerpt)

Apocalypso - The Dance Everybody Seems to Be Doing

In the early 80's a wonderful New Wave band emerged from the L.A. music scene. They were called The Motels, and the lead singer was husky-voiced siren Martha Davis. You probably remember them from their hit, "Only the Lonely."

I bought the album that "Only the Lonely" was featured on when it came out, and I loved every one of the songs on it. The lyrics painted powerful word-pictures for me. Martha Davis' richly-textured voice really transported me to The Motels' dimension of moody, often melancholy, song-stories.

I remember one song that was quirky and offbeat. It was called "Apocalypso." I haven't been able to locate the lyrics online, but one line from the chorus still sticks in my mind. It is: "Do the Apocalypso now."

Lately, it would seem that everyone in the alternative/New Age community is doing the Apocalypso. I think of the Apocalypso as the energy dance that many people enter into when they start running around like Chicken Little screaming "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" The enter into disaster consciousness, end of the world consciousness, Apocalypse or Armageddon consciousness. They start anticipating tragedy around every corner just because this prophet or that one has predicted that there would one day be a major earthquake. . . and wow, a big earthquake actually happened! So that must mean the end of the world is at hand!

The same predictions have been made for millenia, but we tend to forget that. There have been big earthquakes before, and the world didn't "end." There have been big tragedies before, but they weren't some cure-all that made humanity stop sinning overnight. Growth is gradual, evolution is a process.

So why do we keep thinking that we need the Big Hollywood Ending here, like something out of a Spielberg movie? Can't anyone imagine a gentler way of experiencing change on this planet, a kinder, more loving way for humanity to grow? Why do so many people enter into planning their own suicides through visions of earth changes, mass catastrophes, or global warfare? Why is that process so addictive and enticing for us?

The sad thing about Armageddon is that people don't understand its true nature. Armageddon is a holographic, Luciferian "insert" or mind control program that way too many people are giving energy to. Why are they doing that? Because, for them, they imagine that natural disasters, death and destruction are the only possible doorway through which humanity is going to be "redeemed." For them, there can be no other way. It is only through self-annihilation that humanity can be put on course again, spiritually speaking - or so they believe.

The people who desperately seek Armageddon are often folks who have lost confidence about their connection with the Divine, their ability to tap into a power larger and more awesome than themselves, and the only way they can conceive of this happening is through some large-scale world drama taking place. They are hungry for God, they are hungry for change, and so they add energy to this belief that something BIG and TERRIBLE needs to happen for that connection to God to open up again.

It's sad, really. Too many people still see God as this distant, authoritative, judgmental being who is one day going to rain disaster down upon us all for our sins.

Each of us has the capacity to every day enter into communication with the Divine. We don't have to wait for Armageddon or the Apocalypse to make this accessible. This energy and creative intelligence is available to us now, today. . . . flawed though we are, "sinners" though we may be.

If we can get ourselves on course again spiritually and materially, learning to care more about each other and to express that caring better, and to enter consciously into the art of creation, then we won't require an Armageddon or an Apocalyptic event to spur this shift in consciousness. It will no longer be needed.

The recent undersea earthquake and the resulting tsunamis in Southeast Asia were a "wake-up" call reminding us that changes need to happen in our consciousness and that if we don't start caring more about each other, more disasters may well occur to FORCE us to start using our hearts. George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton put aside their differences to focus on disaster relief. Wouldn't it be nice if it didn't take world tragedies to force the various factions of the world to band together in acts of kindness?

Do the work NOW, and the "end of the world" doesn't have to become your only chance for spiritual redemption. The energies of Armageddon and the Apocalyptic mindset reflect the disowned, fragmented, and wounded pieces of our own being which have to be made whole again. This takes spiritual "homework," but it is not too late to change the "outcome" here in this Earth school.

It's all about assuming responsibility for your creations. . . and for the joint creations that you are entering into with the rest of humanity.

If you want to give your energy over to disaster consciousness, go ahead.

Just realize that that is what you are doing. Assume responsibility for it. Name it for what it is.

Admit that you're doing the Apocalpyso, that you've chosen to enter into that tempting, dark doorway of fear and misery.

However, that's one dance I'm going to bypass. I much prefer the Cosmic Mambo. The dance floor is a lot sunnier, and they serve a great margarita.

I invite you to join me.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Mindless Entertainment #1 - Watch the Kitty Dance

I'm going to start numbering my "Mindless Entertainment" blog posts so that you'll recognize them when they come up. When you see "Mindless Entertainment #1, 2, etc." in a future blog entry, you'll know that I've tagged something silly and whimsical that you may enjoy, if you share my weird sense of humor (and, in this case, fondness for cats.)

So these are not serious posts about the fate of the universe and the spiritual evolution of humankind. Just so you know that going in. :)

Now, let me introduce you to this silly Flash animation of the Kitty Cat Dance. There is a music track which you have to listen to to fully appreciate this absurd "performance piece."

So what are you waiting for? Go watch the Kitty Cat Dance!

Friday, January 14, 2005

Karla Mclaren - New Ager Turned Skeptic

Karla Mclaren has been a metaphysical teacher and self-help author for some time. One of her books that you may have heard of is Emotional Intelligence. She wrote an interesting piece for the Skeptical Inquirer about the latest twist in her personal journey to live in a truthful, authentic way. After years of self-examination, she is giving up her work in the metaphysical field. She has decided that she falls more into the "skeptic" camp than the typical "New Ager" camp.

I don't agree with everything she writes, but she makes some good points about how New Agers tend to discredit themselves because of a lack of consistency and intellectual rigor. I think it's important to be both skeptical AND spiritual, myself. And in this essay, it sounds like Mclaren is giving up on much of the spiritual wisdom that has been with her throughout her life. That's a bit sad.

Still, she makes some good points, and this is a fascinating "coming out of the closet" piece from a former insider in the world of the New Age.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Odyssey of Life Online Oracle

I encourage you to check out this very wise online oracle. I promise that you'll enjoy it! Here's what I experienced when I tried it for the first time:

I stilled my energy, focused for a moment, and mentally asked this question, giving permission for the answer to be revealed through the online oracle:

"Will my honey and I be safe if we continue living where we currently are throughout 2005 and 2006?"

I had been thinking about all of the terrible weather and flooding and so forth that have been going on and just wanted to see if it's still safe to live within a few miles of the Delaware River.

This was the response I received when I clicked the button to have the oracle generate a response for me:

"Imagine that you have a Higher Self — a part of you that can never be harmed or do harm — and this Higher Self has created a playground for enacting all kinds of situations that will enable you to stretch, develop strengths and ultimately open to your highest good. The greatest challenge of this playground is to break through the illusion that you are not safe, supported and loved. All the pain you experience in life is a result of your fearfully resisting this truth. As you remember that you are always safe, whole and have all you need, pain and fear disappear. In this playground your consciousness is powerfully creative. What you think, feel, believe, desire and fear all have an impact on the physical world, turning your inner experience into your outer reality. This week look at all of your experiences as reflections of your inner state. As you do this, let go of any inclination to look for what you did wrong. Instead, assume that the more you treat yourself with compassion, forgiveness and self-love, the more life unfolds easily and joyfully."

I was blown away by the section I marked in bold here, where it specifically addressed my question of safety. Again, fear is always our greatest enemy. Staying centered so that you can react to things authenctically in the moment is the challenge we all face. That doesn't mean that "bad things" never happen. But it does mean that we must free ourselves of distractions and unnecessary panic so that we can respond to things wisely and effectively. Vague or random "end of the world" type worries don't serve anyone. You can't tune into your intuition or the messages that your nervous system is trying to give you if you are blocked with a lot of "noise" in your head.

So the key is to silence the noise through entering into this experience of feeling safe. THEN you can tune in to the wisdom that has always been natural to you.

Okay, think of a question that you'd like some higher insight on, and click on the oracle button!

Have fun, and expect some wonderful guidance.

Nexus Magazine - Cool Australian Mag

Nexus Magazine is a bimonthly publication from Australia that does a great job covering alternative spirituality, science, and "conspiracy" type subjects with a certain amount of scientific rigor. They're available in bookstores like Barnes and Noble and Borders. I'm always interested to see what they publish.

On their website, they publish about two articles from each issue. They have a ton of wonderful stuff that you can check out online. Just go to their articles section and have fun reading!

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Article on the Sexualization of Pre-Teens or "Tweens"

I'm always fascinated by what images, ideas, and products are surfacing in the media. There is such subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) mind control and behavioral conditioning going on, and a lot of it is very bad news, indeed.

For instance, in my syndicated astrology columns, I often take pot shots at Britney Spears.

There's a reason for that. She's a pox on the face of civilization.

Seriously, I have a real problem with performers like her, Christina Aguilera, and Justin Timberlake. They started working in show business way too young, and the Disney company groomed them from about the age of 10 to act out whatever images and ideas the bosses paid them to embody.

So these performers are generally presented as if they suddenly "made it" in their teens, but this isn't the whole picture. These kids were groomed for a decade before that to become these pop tart people.

I love artists and creative people and worked for many years in the arts myself. I have a real respect for anyone who is devoted to their craft, continuing to grow and express themselves in a creative field.

And, certainly, the three stars I mention have talent. It's the exploitation of that talent that I have problems with.

Britney was marketed as the world's most famous virgin for years, appealing to a generation of young women who hadn't yet experienced sex themselves.

Then, seemingly overnight, she comes of age and the media machine turns her into this whore for dollars. It's very sad. Why should a woman of her beauty, status, and connections agree to pantomime masturbation in her videos? Does she NEED to do that to sell records? I don't think so.

Madonna took a ton of flack early in her career for pushing the envelope with knowingly sexual, purposefully ironic, images and actions onstage. But she always seemed to me to "own" what she was doing, approaching it all from a theatrical mindset. She was playacting and encouraging us to take everything she was doing with a grain of salt. As she explored things like sexual taboo and religious taboo in her videos, she encouraged us to THINK. It's been a lot of fun seeing someone like her with real talent evolve through the years.

But with artists like Britney, it just seems like some big music producer is saying, "Take off your clothes, honey, and act like you like it."

Having seen the exploitative side of show business myself, I'm sensitive to those tones in a person's career. And Britney's sad show of a life offstage (two marriages in one year!) would seem to be a reflection of how messed up she's become from spending her whole childhood working in the "biz."

So we can thank people like Britney for filling young girl's heads with the idea that they need to be exactly like her in order to be cool. And she is so heavily marketed, so forced down everybody's throats, that there is simply no escaping her. She may take a "break" for a moment, but she'll soon be back in a more garish form. And legions of young girls ranging from six to twenty will be following trends that she sets, like they've been doing for years.

I've written for many women's magazines and for some "tween" magazines, and while the magazines I was writing for were pretty decent about not pushing sex on pre-teens, there are many on the newstands that are contributing to the oversexualization of tween age girls.

What happened to the whole concept of having a childhood?

Since when should a ten-year old have to worry that she might not be good enough at giving blow jobs, so she might not be "popular?" Isn't there enough of that pressure for women throughout their lives? Why push it at them at such a young age, before their personality is fully formed?

It's a dangerous trend, and we're going to be paying the price for it, societally speaking. I believe we are already.

Below you'll find a link to a fascinating article about the sexing up of tweens, especially tween age girls, in the media and through retail sales. I was really horrified by one particular clueless mom who was quoted. This woman was being asked why she lets her young girl dress in provocative clothing. Here is a brief excerpt from this section of the article:

(Begin excerpt)
Alexia is a friend of Amanda’s. She’s 11. Her parents, Nick and Nina, are also split over what’s acceptable.

“I grew up in a very strict Italian Catholic home,” says Nina.

“I wasn’t allowed to go out, no make up, no nothing. So I promised myself that if I ever had a daughter, I wouldn’t let her suffer because I really resent them for it. I think if Alexia didn’t fit in, I’d be extremely crushed, devastated.

“I don’t say no to her, because she sees myself, she sees her mom wearing these clothes and high heel shoes.”

(End excerpt)

Whoa - back up a minute.

The alleged MOM, Nina, would be "crushed, devasted" if she felt her daughter Alexia wasn't fitting in - but this is stemming from Nina's unresolved issues from her OWN childhood, when her parents didn't want her going out of the house wearing makeup.


I don't believe Nina got the memo on this one, but "fitting in" at school usually means "aligning yourself with the lowest common denominator." At every school I attended, the truly cool kids were the ones who were offbeat, eccentric, and going against the status quo. They were the ones who possessed a sense of self, a feeling of pride about their uniqueness, and who had self-respect about who they were. They weren't mindless, trend-chasing zombies.

I am SOOOOOO happy that I never fit in.

And I am SOOOOO happy that I didn't have "Nina" as a mom.

You can read more of this excellent study about what is happening to our tween age girls here:

Side note: A friend of a friend is a Frenchman who has been living in the US for many years. He returns to France periodically to visit family there. He has commented about how there is a huge difference in how young girls dress in France as compared to America. He finds it pretty stark. In France, young girls are encouraged to be young women, and they dress in stylish, sophisticated yet understated clothing. (Think classy, not slutty; mature, not flashy.)

All women coming of age should be encouraged to celebrate their feminity, because it is a key component of their being. Of course, they can express this however they wish, and they needn't be wearing skirts all of the time if they don't want to! But I have to agree with the Frenchman who was sad that American young ladies don't seem to be shown how they can be dignified AND beautiful at the same time.

Showing your navel isn't sexy. It's exhibitionist and fun in its own way, but it's not classy! Today's girls aren't being given a chance to understand the difference. Their role models are too trashy, and there's very little else for them to latch on to in the media that is directed at them.

Here's raising a toast to CLASS......may it soon be more of an operating principle here in the U.S.

(A girl can dream, can't she?)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Happy New Moon and Writing Abundance Checks

Happy new moon, everyone!

The new moon falls in the sign of Capricorn today, and it is teaming up with the energies of the sun, Mercury, and Venus in Capricorn. If you want to bring something into reality here in this world of "3-D," you'll have good experiences with manifesting stuff right now.

Also, anyone with their sun, moon, or rising signs in Capricorn will be headed into a unique "power period" over the next few weeks. Consider this your personal "new year" and release negativity, banish blockages that have been holding you back, and usher in cleansing, healing energy.

You can read my latest in a series of articles about writing yourself a new moon abundance check here:

Main site:

Friday, January 07, 2005

Baby Hippo Bonds with Old Tortoise

Read about the baby hippo orphan who has bonded with a 120-year-old tortoise. And who says different species/races/religions can't get along?

(Cute photo included in the article.)

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Is This a Photo of Jim Morrison's Ghost?

Is this a photo of Jim Morrison's ghost?

Might be. Since so many Morrison worshippers visit his gravesite in Paris, it wouldn't surprise me if he liked to show up once in a while and say Hi.

Take a peek:

We Have Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself

This is an absolutely brilliant essay taken from David Icke's website. I'm copying it here verbatim, but you can also access the link to the article from his site - he has this listed in his Headlines section today, January 5, 2005. Here's his site:

It's an essay written by an anonymous writer about how it's fear that is the problem, not the events or tragedies that happen to us. Our consciousness really DOES create the reality that we end up living in, and the more we can focus our heart, our minds, and our energies on harmony and balance, the more we truly create heaven on earth. It's easy to forget that when terrible tragedies occur, because we have a tendency to throw a lot of contagious panic around. The media, as it has been created, amplifies these panicky emotions. True clarity and true spiritual mastery come from learning to cancel out those energies.

I encourage you to read this essay; it raises some great points. --- Editor

Essay from David Icke's website:

What if the only controlling factor of the human race was FEAR?

That simple, little feeling that holds us back from the enjoyment and magic of our physical forms and the realization that we, as entities, are spiritually powerful. The controlling influences on the Earth thrive on fear; it is their only means of suppressing the masses. Probably their most important agenda is to instill fear into our everyday existence.

Through our fear we require someone or something to tell us everything is going to be all right and the majority are ready to listen to whatever answer makes them feel safe, regardless of who or what purveys the answer. We are allowing our fear to rule the world and by doing so we furnish their agenda with all the power they require.

They know that FEAR is temporary because the human being has the ability to conquer fear without even trying. A human is so powerful that it only takes an element of understanding about an unknown situation before FEAR begins to dwindle. This is why the controlling influences stage more and more elaborate scenarios to instil more FEAR.

I will give you an example of what I mean. We know that the human race becomes hardened to certain things; the dead bodies on the news for example. At first we FEAR these scenes until they become part of our existence and then we take them in our stride ~ we no longer FEAR them. When we no longer FEAR the dead on the battlefield a change occurs ~ the ending of Vietnam was one example. The latter may sound heartless, but wars are fuelled through peoples' FEARS and are ended through peoples' UNDERSTANDING.

It is a human trait (a survival instinct if you like) to become hardened to a set of circumstances and a main weapon for beating FEAR. The threat of terrorism has been around for a long time, even before 9/11. We had already conquered our FEAR over the Lockerbie disaster and the various embassy bombings of the last century; they had become part of our existence. The controlling influences knew that another bombing in a far away place would not advance their agenda, so they brought it closer to home, in plain view of the ones they wish to control through FEAR ~ 9/11. This new FEAR has now fuelled two wars.

For thousands of years they have been working underground finding new ways to instill FEAR into a very powerful, spiritual people ~ the Human Race. I have read many questions asking 'Why don't they show themselves? Why do they remain underground? If they thrive on FEAR why don't they come to the surface and scare us shitless? The answer is simple. Once you get used to their form, the way they look and realize what their agenda is, you will no longer FEAR them.

FEAR will turn to anger; anger will transpose itself into a need to put things right; just like the ending of Vietnam. If this occurs, their power over the masses will subside. At the moment it suits their agenda to remain in hiding, away from public gaze and only appear once in a while to scare us using a guerilla tactic of FEAR. In the meantime they employ world Government allies to do their bidding.

What is fear? Basically it is a feeling that spirals from the pit of our stomachs. What is joy and love? It is a feeling the spirals from the pit of our stomachs. It is the same feeling, but interpreted in different ways depending on the situation laid before us. It is the individual that interprets this, not an external force.

From childhood this one feeling has been manipulated by them, we have been raised on a diet of FEAR. FEAR of your elders, FEAR of authority, FEAR of the education establishment. Authority and FEAR run hand-in-hand. This has been part of the reptilian agenda since they first appeared - a 'get them whilst they're young' tactic.

So how do we beat FEAR? Again the answer is simple and they know it too. A feeling is not something that's technical, computerized or a complicated mathematical equation (that's part of the reptilian agenda). It is a basic instinct, as natural as snow falling on icy peaks. It is something we have personal control over ~ and they know that too. All we have to do is get used to it.

Each of us has the ability to conquer our FEARS through the understanding of that simple, little feeling in the pit of our stomachs. You can do it now, this very moment. There is no charge, no cost involved ~ it is one of our primordial skills.

Firstly SMILE; yes smile to yourself (Greys can't smile, reptilians don't know the true meaning of 'smile'). Whilst you are smiling, breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Still smiling, Close your eyes, picture FEAR as a dying tree, its branches broken and jagged. Now, feel the pulse of your heartbeat and imagine your body is resonating to that pulse (you must keep that smile at all times). Picture the dying tree again, but this time imagine new leaves unfurling from every branch. Stay with this scene until you can see a full and vibrant canopy. Your smile has now probably led you to chuckle. The moment of 'chuckle' is the moment you have transposed that feeling of FEAR. You will also notice a warming glow or a 'butterflies' feeling from the pit of your stomach. A simple exercise that can be carried out anywhere.

In the beginning, however, surround yourself with like-minded friends you can trust. We have all heard about the 'veil' that has been placed over this world, the shroud that stops us from tuning into the cosmos and our kindred from afar and within. Well, this veil is the FEAR created by their agenda. This veil is easily opened, on a personal level, by transposing FEAR into joy. Simple, easy and devastating to those who wish to control you through it.

Say goodbye to the reptilian control freaks and their brainwashed allies. Every time you face a fearful experience, imagine that tree with its unfurling canopy. The proof you are powerful is all already here. They have been trying to seal their agenda for thousands of years, but subconsciously we have thwarted their attempts by acclimatizing to their FEAR at every turn. It is now time to manifest our skills of turning FEAR into joy and love on a conscious level. FEAR is the KEY and turning the key is the most easiest and basic of exercises.

----by anonymous

Tuesday, January 04, 2005 Article on Magic of Color

This is a neat little piece about the healing properties of color. Whether you call the use of color "magic" or not is up to you, but I work with color all the time for healing injuries on myself and others. It works!

The key thing to remember is that red is warming and blue is cooling. You don't want to use red when you have a fever or have inflammation. Likewise, you don't want to use blue if someone is suffering from hypothermia.

Green is a sterilizing color that is useful for just about everything. It clears out negative energy, infection, and contagion.

Purple is a bit strong to use, but it is extremely powerful in a spiritual sense. If you need to focus on psychic self-defense because negative energies are coming at you, purple is king! Actually, I prefer to use a color called electric violet. Picture a deep violet with lots of electrical energy running through it, perhaps envisioning the color gold within it. This is a lovely shielding and defense color that really sends negative entitites packing.

If you are interested in the healing properties of color, do check out my recent guest interview with healer Alijandra:

Alijandra's book,Healing with the Rainbow Rays, is a fabulous one. And you can also go to her website, if you haven't already. It's

Here's the fun little piece about the properties of different colors that I stumbled upon at the RealMagick site:

Monday, January 03, 2005

Institute of Noetic Sciences Research Projects

The Institute of Noetic Sciences is a research organization that has set out to define human consciousness and to understand the connections between mind, body, and energy. You can read more about them at their website:

They have a lot of ongoing experiments into subjects like distance healing, spontaneous remission, and higher consciousness. I just noticed that they have a page where they have pulled together all of the information about these various research projects, giving overviews of each project, results, people involved, etc.

If you'd like to read more about the neat stuff that they are doing, here is the direct link to the page where they include their research results:

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Lipstick Mystic Featured on Front Page of Today's Trenton Times

Some weeks back, a reporter from the police desk at the Trenton Times contacted me for some quotes about a scam artist who goes by the name "Yanna." She's been operating in Princeton, New Jersey for many years. She advertises as a "psychic reader," but really, she's someone from the old negative gypsy tradition. The negative gypsies like to tell people that their auras are black, they are cursed, and they must pay thousands - if not tens of thousands - of dollars to the gypsy to remove the negativity from their life.

This is an ancient gypsy scam, by the way, and it operates in every town in America. It has nothing to do with the authentic psychics, healers, and spiritual practitioners out there. Unfortunately, these are the people who get arrested all the time and give the whole field of psychic work a bad name.

You can read the article that appeared on the front page of today's Trenton Times. I'm quoted at the end of the article.

Also, you can read my article, "The Difference Between Fortune Telling and Real Psychic Readings" at my website:

Happy New Year, too!